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Lakeview Entertainment: Twist and shoutHD 47:08
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Twist and shout

게시됨:14.12.2022 더 많은 정보 숨김

Miss Vera is a huge latex lover and has an enormous wardrobe. Here she shows her obedient house slave how to apply the latex cleaner and finish dressing her. Sexy foot dressage and good angles make for a latex lovers delight. Miss Vera looks so sleek and sexy. Her boy is lashed in place and she begins to work on some suffering treatment. Miss Vera inflicts some CBT torment on her captive. Add in some nipple torment and she has her own bound toy. He tries to dance away but she has tied him in a devilish predicament and he can only twist and try to shout. The ball gag muffles his lovely screams as she works his cock over and then puts her attention to his sensitive nipples. It obvious that she enjoys every whimper. He is fairly well broken down now and sensitized and she has certainly gotten her phone from listening to him try and scream behind the ball gag embedded in his mouth.

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