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Creampie Thais: Thank you, RatanapornHD 20:42
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Thank you, Ratanaporn

게시됨:21.12.2017 더 많은 정보 숨김

It's that time again when an innocent little farm girl visits the big scary city to seek her fortune and fame. Wait, fuck that! This isn't Red Riding Hood and I'm not the big bad wolf....or am I? Naw man I'm a classic romantic who just happens to love leaving my jizz in the bellies of Thai teens. If anything, the girls are in control of the game more than I. Let's take for instance 19-year-old Ratnaporn from Korat. She looks nice. She looks honest. She even looks like she'll make you some Thai spicy salad. But beneath that big beautiful smile is a woman who will drain your balls and your wallet. I was certainly lost in the woods when she came out of nowhere. "Boo" she yelled as she jumped in front of my motorbike on the infamous Soi 6. (Uhhh....It's a shortcut to Grandma's house....hehe). I get so distracted with all the whores on each side that I nearly run over the food cart people. "Boo" she said again and then I was hooked.

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